Our Partners

EduLINK+ Partners with Schools in the US and Worldwide to Offer Customized Education Solutions

We believe deeply in sharing the innovative and simple solutions developed across our successful school models for the betterment of all children. We believe every school can thrive with the right tools.

Adopt the Harmony Public Schools Model

Harmony Public Schools is the largest charter STEM-focused charter network organization in Texas, USA with over sixty campuses serving students in kindergarten through 12th grade. With a college acceptance rate of 100 percent, Harmony Public Schools have earned the reputation of providing a distinct, high-quality education. Our schools also have the honor of being Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (T-STEM) field pioneer schools. Furthermore, each of our schools within the Harmony Public Schools system are highly ranked, often topping the charts in the U.S. News & World Report annual rankings of U.S. public schools.


Years of Success


Successful Campuses


Staff Members




College Acceptance


STEM College Major

Proudly Partnered With

Ready to Elevate Your School Performance?

Adopt our proven, award-winning school model.